Detox, relieve stress, and heal with the subatomic particles from interstellar space.
Location: 1496 Professional Drive, Bldg 602, Petaluma, California 94954 USA
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Ageless Tachyon Chamber in Petaluma
Ageless Tachyon Center detoxes and relieves stress from the body, mind, and emotions and energizes you. Ageless Tachyon Center works to heal a wide range of difficulties. We offer one of 16 authentic, public tachyon chambers in the United States.
Now, in 2025, there are now about 144 authentic tachyon chambers worldwide. This number includes 4 in California and 23 in North America; and 51 in France. There are numerous ones in Asia and Africa, also.
Tachyon Chambers are Around the World
The tachyon healing chamber detoxes and relieves stress from our many dimensions. There are fake tachyon chambers out there, but the authentic tachyon chambers are precisely designed and fabricated in Europe.
Ageless Tachyon Center, like the other authentic ones worldwide, has a quantum uplink to the satellite and on board the satellite is an oscillating crystal, which creates an Einstein-Rosen bridge, known as a wormhole.
This Einstein-Rosen bridge, or wormhole, allows high energy cosmic rays and healing tachyons to come into earth and then into you. The quantum uplink to the satellite makes the authentic tachyon healing chambers the most powerful tachyon chambers on the planet–hands down.
The Tachyons Are Tiny
Tachyons are subatomic particles that travel faster than light but these tiny particles infuse the human body with enormous energy. Though they energize you, these tiny particles also calm and harmonize all of you.
Tachyons exist in many dimensions, and so they work on your physical body, but also your astral body, your etheric body, your plasma body, your mental body and your emotional body.
You see, we are all multidimensional! Tachyons are amazing, speedy particles that work in all these dimensions to help you.
Our tachyon chamber can also reverse cell breakdown, improve your immune system and help you repair a wide range of problems with practically zero side effects.

The Tachyon Chamber Is Comfy
When you lie down on the open bed in the dedicated room, you receive tachyons for about 20 + minutes. Everyone feels energy differently but many people feel waves of energy and warmth. Others feel they are floating. Lucid dreaming is common. Overall it is a very comfortable 20 + minutes.

The Price is Reasonable.
Six sessions at a minimum are recommended. Six sessions are $380. For more price information, go here: https://agelesstachyoncenter.com/cost-time-it-takes/

Benefits That People Talk About
- It’s extraordinarily calming
- Removes stress
- Allows deeper, more restful sleep
- Detoxes the body
- Allows quicker healing after surgery
- Reduces chronic pain
- Assists in a wide range of chronic diseases
- Assists in healing brain and head injuries
- Assists in healing all accident injuries
- Improves the blood, as shown in comparing blood panels
- Reduces pain and inflammation from past injuries
- Adds to one’s healing long after an accident–when you thought no more healing could take place
- Relieves stiffness or soreness, such as that caused by arthritis or simple overexertion
- Reduces or eliminates psoriasis, eczema, rosacea and other skin disorders
- Reduces allergies
- Heals problem areas more quickly
Psychological Benefits People Report
- Relaxed mind, relaxed body
- Less depression
- No more fear of flying
- Fewer anxiety or panic attacks
Emotional Improvements People Report
- Greater emotional and motivational energy
- Clarity about communication and relationships
- Healed grief
Spiritual Development People Report
- A deeper, closer connection to Self
- A sense of a broader self and huge universe of possibilities
- New understanding of one’s life purpose and life mission
- A stronger connection to one’s I AM presence, as explained by Saint Germain

Move Yourself In and Out Of the Tachyon Chamber
You need to be able to sit yourself down at one end of the bed area, swing your legs around and scoot in. Also, you’ll need to get out by yourself and stand up by yourself.
Sometimes a helper can assist you in these movements and may be able to help you get in and out of the tachyon chamber.
Most people we see are able to accomplish this, alone or with a helper. Let us know if you have special needs.

An Optimal Schedule
Six sessions in the tachyon chamber is recommended to experience the benefits of the tachyons.
But! You can come as many times as you wish.
Many people just keep coming to the tachyon chamber to receive ongoing stress relief and detoxing.
Very Concentrated Schedule: You can have up to two sessions per day for three days in a row, for six sessions. (Good for travelers). You need to have at least 4 hours between your two appointments if you have two sessions in one day. If you’d like more hours than this between your sessions, it’s fine. Talk to us.
Concentrated Schedule: You can have one session per day for six days straight for a total of six sessions.
Day and a Half Schedule: You can have three sessions in about 1-1/2 days, wait a few days or a week and then have three more sessions.
Easy Does It Schedule: Have a session, take 2 or 3 days off. Have another session, take 2 or 3 days off. Have another session, take 2 or 3 days off. This very easy schedule helps you integrate the energy in between the appointments. You’ll complete six sessions over about 16 -24 days.
Ongoing appointments
After you have had six visits to the tachyon chamber, you can decide if you would like to come back for another set of sessions– and take advantage of the reduced rate going forward.
Each person is different and experiences the tachyon chamber in his or her own unique way. A person who is dealing with a physical issue may find that the tachyon chamber dislodges an emotional issue first. Such dislodging may be necessary for other, later physical improvement.

Note about Other Chambers We’ve Heard About
We have heard about a setup the owners are calling a “tachyon chamber.” These things were not developed by scientists or precisely fabricated, however. These systems do not have a satellite connection, though they are probably relaxing.
These places might include an upholstered “recliner” chair or standard massage table, with a dangling triangle above the chair or table, an arrangement of lights above the chair or around the chair, and glass globes around the chair or table.
Sometimes these places offer music headphones or heating pads.
These setups do not have a satellite connection. They use a lot of “off-the-shelf” parts. They are not precisely fabricated. The battery operated headphones and heating pad disturb the quantum field, so these items disturb the calmness of the room. There are not enough tachyons in the area of these setups to make a difference in your health.
What we have at Ageless Tachyon Center
Ageless Tachyon Center detoxes and relieves stress — and does a lot more.
As we said above, the tachyon healing chamber at Ageless Tachyon Center in Petaluma, California was completely designed and precisely fabricated by European scientists, in association with space research projects.
Our tachyon healing chamber is able to take advantage of a calm quantum field (we use no power and require no electricity), necessary to enable the tachyons to do their work on you. The quantum uplink to the satellite makes our tachyon chamber quite powerful.
The Worldwide Network of Authentic Tachyon Chambers
Our tachyon chamber is in its own dedicated room, with a bed that you lie upon and an open structure above it. Our satellite connection receives the tachyons from interstellar space and geolocates the tachyons into you.
Necessary Disclaimer regarding the Tachyon Chamber
The Tachyon Chamber technology has not been evaluated by the FDA. This service is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Always consult your doctor for medical information and medical advice.